Jason Mervyn Hibbs

Mobilising Web Design

Screenshots of JAR Renovation's website in the draft stages, presented on iPhone in portrait and landscape, showing off my responsive web design.

I’ve spent the last few days mostly figuring out media queries for the age of Responsive Web Design. For a long time I’ve stayed away from elastic- or liquid-layouts because they seem more hassle than they’re worth, not to mention I’ve never seen a nice typographical outcome in any situation that I’ve seen them at work.
With JAR Renovation‘s website I will be building my first website designed to shift content depending on the screen size. Not only do I believe in a ‘one web’, but mobile stylesheets intimidate me. To have the help of Andy Clarke’s 320 and Up has helped me find the best way to tackle the issue of smaller-screened-web-devices.

Just building that navigation bar was challenge enough, so I’m excited to have the opportunity to learn these new ways. I hope to share more, perhaps even some tips, as I come across the problems I solve; providing I solve them successfully!