Jason Mervyn Hibbs

Michael Eavis, the Welly

New year, new modules, new brief. I’d like to show off my photograph of a welly I customised to represent Michael Eavis, farmer and founder of Glastonbury Festival.

Welly customised to depict the visualness of Micheal Eavis.

This photograph was taken for the first brief in the module ‘Ideas Through Design’, a module that looks and sounds to be the one I’ve been waiting for.

Quick personal update, I’ve been suffering the dreaded Man Flu for the past week but otherwise thoroughly enjoying the second year of this BA in Illustration. Popped to Seville for a week (and should probably upload some drawings from that) and feel like I’ve been pretty proactive since I’ve been back, which is nice, and a far-cry from the rut of the summer. So, good.

More to come, soon, my poor neglected blog.