Jason Mervyn Hibbs

Real Busy

Like, busy, let me see, from the top:

I presented that Circus Poster, it was noted as the “real” one. I take it as a compliment, but I also felt a bit, on the spot, judging by the earlier post on this, I get a lot of hate for producing good work!

Things get a bit hazy between then and last Thursday when I put some snowflakes on the front of the Helmore building on Anglia Ruskin University’s Cambridge campus [Photos to follow] to add a bit of Christmas cheer, and got paid in wine, things get hazy again until Friday morning…

EDIT: Oh I remember now, I went to a little discussion in Emmanuel House, candlelit philosophy evening on the subject “Can Great Art be Immoral?” or moral, I don’t really remember, and it wasn’t even candlelit, so that was a disappointment and basically was a philosophy lecturer showing Balthus’ paintings on his iPad to senior members of the public, aka Friends of Kettle’s Yard. If you know of Balthus, well, you can make your own mind up.

Woke up early the next day to get to a life drawing class, do an hour, and have to leave for my first day back at Holland & Barrett. It feels so similar it is ridiculous. I could write a whole post on it, and I might. Comparison photos will follow, at the least.

Photograph of the heads of those attended the exhibition by Belle and Boo, held at The Haberdashery.

After work I pop home for a slice of bread and jump on a train with Connie to London to meet Mandy Sutcliffe and her fabulously cute illustrations of Belle & Boo. An exhibition set in a little café called The Haberdashery in Crouch End, it was just, lovely, really. Naturally, we were both a little star-struck, even if I had heard of her just hours before. So I did the obvious thing and got her autograph on a free postcard, which I gave to Connie, who cared more, I will retrieve it just for a scan, perhaps. Mandy was great, though, warm and welcoming, and encouraging, and absolutely grateful for our trek from Cambridge, and gave us some sweets. Nice lady.

Saturday, I finally tasted sushi, the real stuff, I vowed I would never ‘try’ sushi from Tesco and I was not disappointed. Cambridge recently welcomed a brand new Yo!Sushi to Petty Cury and it’s really pretty swish. Bleddy busy, of course I’m going to criticise it’s cleanliness but that is just me and overall a great experience, I recommend having somebody else pay – thanks Emily. Also, I swear the staff are paid to compliment their customers, of course, that could also be just me.

And today, I ordered my first ever pair of glasses, because apparently there are many things wrong with my eyes that nobody had noticed before. I worry a little bit that I’m a fussy bugger in the optometrist’s booths, but I am supposed to be making a living from my eyes, so I’ll give the glasses a go. They come Friday. Since I don’t yet have a picture of myself on this website of mine, I’ll post my new glasses face. And yes, I went to Specsavers.

Tomorrow is Blue Beanie Day, to show your support for Web Standards, put one on, I’m really fascinated to see how many people in Cambridge will be wearing one, I hope to meet a load of respectable web designers. Hopefully nobody comments on how pale my beanie is in comparison to Zeldman’s, but then that says a lot about how involved with web design I am right now, I guess!

Ah, this is on of those, autobiographical posts I didn’t really want to do, but since my family need an update now and then, too, we’ll have to put up with that.

Now, back to those looming deadlines.